Ask One Question

OneQ Reading


The Birth of OneQ – Channelling Answers to Your Questions

My ability to connect directly with source energy, and receive information that serves my clients has recently moved to another level. This connection goes straight to the source of the clients issue and I feel strongly drawn to make more use of these developing abilities.

So, what does this new connection service look like?

Your Online Reading: How it works…

It’s all about going direct to Source, through the clutter and pin-pointing the real issue to work on, in a simple, but powerful and more easily accessible service by asking ONE question.

The question can be about anything as long as it requires more than a yes or a no answer.

The question could be about a relationship, a work issue, a health issue, a difficult decision you have to make, or pretty much anything really.

Working with my new direct connection, I get information from Source and answer the question, all for a small sum.

Sound simple?

Well, the power in the answer is all about finding the right question!

Investment: £25 per single question.

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I first met Mayella when I had 3 theta healing sessions. These came up to my expectations; in particular I felt that Mayella was very thorough, she is highly intuitive, honest (she said after the 3 sessions that I had everything I needed to work on my own ‘problems’)  After this Mayella came to a couple of my yoga classes so I met her in different circumstances. The more I know her, the more I like her. (Especially her ability to embrace life)

Last week I tried her new service where I asked a question by email, and received the answer in the same way. This was spot on – some things are difficult to hear – however the truth is a great healer.

Christina Langley

Yoga Teacher

How to ask for Guidance: 

The question that you ask must be important to you and it must also require more than a yes or no answer.

Consider the specific issue you have, and think about how you would phrase a question around the issue, the answer to which would give you both a strong overview as well as some detail.

When you are considering the question, look to see if you already know the answer but are avoiding it or just scared of what may happen if you acknowledge it – this of course will give you a different question to ask me.

Ask yourself ‘given the issue I’m dealing with, what’s the best way to ask the question?’  then once you have that answer, sit down and close your eyes.  Take your awareness to your heart (you may want to place your hand on your heart when you do this) and then take a couple of deep slow breaths, so you feel relaxed and yet aware. Now ask your heart, ‘what is it I really want to know with regard to this issue?’

Investment: £25 per single question.

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You will likely end up with one of the following:

  • One very clear question – which you can email to me
  • Two different questions – so you can choose which one to ask, or see if they will combine to make one question – and then email me
  • Confusion – you’re left with not really connecting to your heart, not sure what you’re getting, and just want some help! – in this case email me your initial question.
  • You have come up with the answer to your initial question – you’ve just saved yourself £25!

When you email me with the question, put in the subject line – ‘OneQ’ Give me a couple of relevant facts but keep the story to a minimum (no more than 2-3 sentences).  It seems the less story I have, the better I do!

Examples of possible questions:

What could be my block to having a regular income / being financially abundant?

What is your guidance on why I always procrastinate?

What could be in my way to finding a partner?


How Do you Get the Answer?

You will receive a written answer via email to your question within 48 hours.

Investment: £25 per single question.

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The answer resonates with me, definitely!  It is a really lovely clear reading, you picked up on a lot of things and relevant information; I received all the information that I needed.  When I was reading the email I notice my confidence in that you are the right person to help me with any belief issues.  Thank you so much!!!!
Erika Mier