Who is Mayella?

As a facilitator, a mentor, an Intuitive Healer and Personal Coach I help people to get beyond their blocks, their stuckness, to get to the core of who they really are – so that they can see themselves from an empowering viewpoint and are free to be fully expressed.


I’ve been a personal coach since the mid 1990s, and from 2000 I have designed and led my own transformational workshops such as ‘Complete Create’ and ‘The Relationship Dance’.

My interest in the non-physical world has grown over the years and since 2008 I’ve been working with an intuitive healing modality where I realised that I could use my psychic / intuitive senses to go deeper with individuals and I’ve been expanding this ability over the last 10 years.  In fact I believe I grew up with the ability but it took a while to recognise it!!

Working With Clients

I am a no nonsense sort of person, and when I’m focusing on a client or student I’m not afraid to say what needs to be said – but, I do make sure that the space is safe for anything to show up – nothing phases me, so far!

I have the strength and courage to dig deep and do whatever it takes to ensure my clients and students get the transformation and changes they want.  I help people to get clear about their passions and to take action towards what and how they want their life to be.

I have been pushing my own boundaries since I was a child and that innate pushing is a strong drive to help others push their boundaries.

Through my own personal experience of childhood abuse I know and understand at a deep level what it takes to recognise and acknowledge the limiting behaviours and emotions that traumatic experiences can leave us with.

Working With Trauma and Blocks

However, experiences don’t have to be very heavy or nasty to create lasting trauma. Something that logically appears small and insignificant to one person can have a devastating effect on another.  I believe I have a unique skill of penetrating the walls and other obstacles created by painful experiences. Whatever is called for from each client, whether it be gentle and kind or gentle and tough, I work with my intuitive sense to help each client in the moment – one of my clients once called me ‘an angel with a frying pan’ which so resonates with me!!

My life experience has enabled me to deal with whatever shows up in a one-to-one session.  I have gone through intense personal transformation and have dared to turn the perceived reality of victimhood into a reality of thriving.  I therefore bring to the table the power of turning the worst situations, and the beliefs we create from them, into positive life affirming learnings.

My coaching background strengthens my ability to listen, not only to what is being said but to what is also in the unsaid.  I use my intuitive abilities to access information from the invisible world, which helps my clients get to what is in their sub-conscious. I believe we hold deep beliefs in the sub-conscious, some of which no longer serve us which can create blocks and barriers, and it is through my intuitive healing that I then remove these unwanted beliefs and download new ones to replace them.



I’m also a dancer, now attending Ceroc classes, which are so much fun – I love it!  I started with Ballroom and Latin American dancing when I was 16/17 but that fell by the wayside in my mid-twenties.  There’s nothing quite like the feel of being whisked around the room by a dance partner who knows what they’re doing.

Oh – and I’m currently learning to play the piano!