Online Group Healing Sessions

Bringing you Grace, Healing and Silver Linings

Online 1 to 1 Healing Sessions in a Small Group

For some years now I have been running in-person workshops for small groups, where each individual received personal healing and the others in the group found they identified with what is being healed, so they got the healing too.  The group dynamic is very powerful.

So now, during these challenging times, I am offering these workshops online using Zoom.

The Sessions

The purpose of each session is to bring together like minded people whose intention is to evolve, to grow their wisdom, to consciously expand their awareness, and to get the most out of their journey, with laughter, grace and ease.

My role is to guide and support you in uncovering and clearing your blocks, habits, patterns and beliefs that are in the way of you achieving the above. 

Each live, virtual healing session is limited to four people to facilitate individual healing.

Each session is free flowing as I am guided by my connection to source energy to work with what is present, as well as addressing your specific issues.


Mayella Maxwell

Mayella Maxwell

Your Host

Please join my Free Facebook Membership Group – Uncovering Your True Self, by clicking here or on the icon below.

Online Group Healing Sessions



Group Sessions are on Hold while Mayella Plans
out her 2024 schedule 

Price: £25 to be paid in advance.

Where: Zoom virtual meeting – Further details given on booking

Number of Participants: Maximum 3

If you want to book a 1-1 session instead, please drop me an email ( to find out more.

Life Changing is probably the best way I can describe the effects of my healing session with Mayella. I didn’t know what to expect from this experience at all but all I knew was that I needed some assistance in the healing process of something, but little did I know that this one session with Mayella would actually banish and at least settle it completely. When I realised that in this session the thing that so badly affected me in the last decade was about to be ended, I felt very emotional, in the best way. Mayella I would say has a real gift in knowing exactly what needs to be worked on and her connection to Source is evidently clear, strong and purposeful. The process is most certainly a journey because when you think you’re touching upon one thing; if it doesn’t sit right with Mayella in her intuition, she will know what to do next and we would work through whatever she is being shown and Mayella was right on the money at every stage. Thanks to Mayella I feel the best, most centred and balanced I’ve felt, maybe ever. The one thing that needed to be released, settled, removed has been and I have been restored. I can’t thank her enough. I would recommend absolutely anybody to see Mayella, who is a QUALITY energy healer and all round lovely person. Thank you Mayella, god bless you for what you have done.

Chantal Jameson

Mayella has such an amazing ability to tune in and assist you to release exactly the thing you need, which changes everything for the better. Such powerful and transformational results. Thank you Mayella!

Heather Bond

Digital Coach, Taking Your Business Online

Mayella – How I Work

As a facilitator, a mentor, an Intuitive Healer and Personal Coach I help people to get beyond their blocks, their stuckness, to get to the core of who they really are – so that they can see themselves from an empowering viewpoint and are free to be fully expressed.

What happens in an Online Group session?

The length of a session is 60 – 90 minutes.

The session is conducted using Zoom.  I find that doing the sessions remotely helps me to focus more without distraction thereby making sure you get the most out of the session.

I usually use a simple muscle test during the session.  This muscle test taps into your sub-conscious and we get to see what beliefs you are holding and, once changed you will get confirmation of the change through the muscle test. Please click here to see the video which teaches you how to muscle test for yourself.

The session consists of dialogue between us and there are times when I will be tuning into your energy field and that of the group, to see what information the invisible world can give me in order to support your healing.

I use different techniques when I work with you, Theta Healing, Voice Dialogue or Parts Work, Inner Child work, and a little of Family Constellations.
Mostly it is my connection to the invisible world, sometimes called the Field, that allows the changes in belief programmes to happen instantly. 

Mayella Maxwell

Your Host

You can request to join my Free Facebook Membership Group – Uncovering Your True Self, by clicking here or on the icon below.

Reserve Your Place On An Online Healing Session