Are you considering walking the Camino across Spain?  Looking for inspiration?

Here’s a snapshot of my journey that was totally inspiring and transformational for me.

My journey was full of: breakthroughs; lots of tears; lots of great people; insights; great villages; lots of cow dung and big cows – great beasts with horns; beautiful butterflies – tiny and fast violet ones – big red and black, and white and yellow ones,  scrummy!; gorgeous big woods and cute little ones; trees and birds and their joyful songs; a bright green lizard and a couple of little snakes; lots of loud snorers; a hot shower in the morning – aaaaahhhhhhh; a few blisters and sore feet every day; spiritual people and religious people, people from Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Canada, French-Canada, Brazil, Slovenia, South Africa, America, Korea, Spain, Portugal; a double rainbow; red wine on tap, free!; dipping hot sore feet in icy cold water – heaven!; having a foot massage; heavy boots caked with mud; wide expanses of purple flowering heather; not a tree in sight; wild horses; birds of prey circling above; walking past corn as tall as I am; picking fresh peas from the field; walking along getting to know another walker; watching huge colourful snails slithering along the path; walking all day on my own with no-one else in sight; sharing with a dozen other ‘companeros’ over dinner; hot stuffy dormitory rooms full of smelly boots – and more snorers; cold showers; no clean clothes; practicing my Spanish with the locals; bursting to go to the loo with not a tree in sight!; learning to go to the loo in the pouring rain with rucksack and poncho on!; climbing up hills and sweating buckets; drinking water from fountains in villages; visiting lots of churches; walking through small villages – not a person in sight; walking down hills very slowly; giving the earth my tears and emotions; not seeing a yellow arrow for 20 minutes wondering if I’m lost; sitting on top of a mountain breathing it all in; waving to the drivers as they toot their horns ‘hello’; my walking stick humming as the wind blows against it; smelling the eucalyptus leaves; listening to the cuckoos; being given a four leafed clover on my birthday; being moved to tears by myself and others; and so much more ………