Purple Pathway

The Purple Pathway is said to represent our spiritual journey.

I chose the name as it resonates with my deeper path to serve and assist you on your own journey and spiritual development…

Click here to Read more from Mayella:


To wake people up to know who they really are – to their individual greatness, to clear blocks, unstick them so that they can see themselves, all aspects of themselves, the great, the good, the bad and the ugly.  They have their own pathway, and once they see it they can choose it, move forward and thrive on it – and I help them go over, under, around or smash through their blocks and obstacles. 

Request Your Free Daily Download

Delivered to Your Inbox – Daily Downloads are beliefs and feelings that are ’empowered’ with Universal Energy such that when you read them and say ‘yes’ you will receive the energy of the new feeling or belief.

Who is Mayella?

As a facilitator, a mentor, an Intuitive Healer and Personal Coach I help people to get beyond their blocks, their stuckness, to get to the core of who they really are – so that they can see themselves from an empowering viewpoint and are free to be fully expressed.


I’ve been a personal coach since the mid 1990s, and from 2000 I have designed and led my own transformational workshops such as ‘Complete Create’ and ‘The Relationship Dance’.

My interest in the non-physical world has grown over the years and since 2008 I’ve been working with an intuitive healing modality where I realised that I could use my psychic / intuitive senses to go deeper with individuals and I’ve been expanding this ability over the last 10 years.  In fact I believe I grew up with the ability but it took a while to recognise it!!

Working With Clients

I am a no nonsense sort of person, and when I’m focusing on a client or student I’m not afraid to say what needs to be said – but, I do make sure that the space is safe for anything to show up – nothing phases me, so far!

I have the strength and courage to dig deep and do whatever it takes to ensure my clients and students get the transformation and changes they want.  I help people to get clear about their passions and to take action towards what and how they want their life to be.


Read the rest of Mayellas story here: Who Is Mayella 

Popular Services

Free Daily Downloads

The Daily Downloads are beliefs and feelings that are ’empowered’ with Universal Energy such that when you read them and say ‘yes’ you will receive the energy of the new feeling or belief.

One to One Sessions

The length of a session is 60 – 75 minutes, most sessions will take an hour but the extra 15 minutes allows time to complete any issue that is particularly deep or lengthy, ensuring that you leave the session complete.
The session is conducted using Skype or Zoom.

1Q - Ask One Question

It’s all about going direct to Source, through the clutter and pin-pointing the real issue to work on, in a simple, but powerful and more easily accessible service by asking ONE question.

The question can be about anything as long as it requires more than a yes or a no answer.

Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing is a simple technique that uncovers the negative limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind and changes them. Sound too easy? Yes it does, but it is one of the most powerful energy healing techniques being used around the world today.

Request Your Free Daily Download

Delivered to Your Inbox – Daily Downloads are beliefs and feelings that are ’empowered’ with Universal Energy such that when you read them and say ‘yes’ you will receive the energy of the new feeling or belief.

One to One Sessions

Why have one-to-one sessions?

There are many reasons why people have one-to-one sessions – here are some questions for you, and if you answer yes to any of them and want to clear them, then do get in touch and arrange a free 20 minute consultation, or you can go direct to booking a session.


  • Are you afraid of what other people think of you?
  • Are you afraid of what other people might say about you?
  • Does some level of fear stop you doing what you really want to do?
  • Are you stuck in some pattern or habit and can’t seem to find your way to breaking it?
  • Are you stuck in some past trauma and don’t see a way beyond it?
  • Do you just feel stuck and don’t see where it’s coming from?

How I Work:

I work from the basic principle that you already have the courage and confidence and all other resources to do what you want to do, say what you want to say and have the life you really want.  It’s just that sometimes the fear feels so strong it blinds you to who you really are.

I believe it was Neale Donald Walsch who coined the phrase F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real.

I work to show you the truth of who you really are, step by step, so that you can recognise your truth, the good, the bad and the ugly.  I believe that until you own the bad and the ugly they will always be biting at your heels.  My work enables you to own all of who you are with grace and ease – you don’t lose yourself in any part of it – such that you become balanced, grounded and fully aware.


What happens in a one-to-one session?

The length of a session is 60 – 75 minutes, most sessions will take an hour but the extra 15 minutes allows time to complete any issue that is particularly deep or lengthy, ensuring that you leave the session complete.

The session is conducted using Skype or Zoom.  I find that doing the sessions remotely helps me to focus more without distraction thereby making sure you get the most out of the session.

I usually use a simple muscle test during the session and I will teach you how to do that for yourself.  This muscle test taps into your sub-conscious and we get to see what beliefs you are holding and, once changed you will get confirmation of the change through the muscle test.

The session usually consists of dialogue between us and there are times when I will be tuning into your energy field to see what information the invisible world can give me in order to support your healing.  I use different techniques when I work with you, Theta Healing, Voice Dialogue or Parts Work, Inner Child work, and a little of Family Constellations.  Mostly it is my connection to the invisible world, sometimes called the Field, that allows the changes in belief programmes to happen instantly.

The other aspect of what happens in a session are the questions that I ask – getting to the source of blocks can be done quickly and yet deeply with the right questions.

The other aspect of what happens in a session are the questions that I ask – getting to the source of blocks can be done quickly and yet deeply with the right questions.


Book Your Session(s)

You can book a Free initial consultation, a single session, or a block of 3 or 5 sessions by clicking on your choice in the circles below and emailing me with your request.

Feedback & Reviews

Here are a selection of testimonials from some of my clients and students regarding me and the service I provide, both as an individual practitioner and as a teacher:


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sldQP3SrQxE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZkKhl7TW-es" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQP_XAL-aXI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mayella, I really wish to thank you for all the care, guidance, patience and love you have shown! It has been (and will be!) a pleasure working together. Your teaching method is incredible and after each course I felt the whole group bonding for the rest of our lives. I liked how always you showed us different angles of looking at Theta… through your experience. Thank you for bringing this magnificent technique to life for me!
Silviya, London

Mayella is a Master facilitator! She creates a place of safety for people to explore their lives, and get clarity about what they really want from Life!  The course was run with the deepest respect for each participant’s understanding and experience of life.  Everyone felt heard and acknowledged, therefore felt safe and empowered to really take a look at themselves and make decisions and changes that will give them what they want and need in their lives.
Heleni Achilleos, Storyteller

Mayella is one of those bright mirrors in searching for self-truth.  Mayella’s healing at this fundamental level is with a lightness of ‘touch’ and lack of judgement.  Almost miraculously in the weeks thereafter one’s life begins unfolding in new ways.
Naomi West

“Really enjoyed it.  Liked the pace and very clear and well thought through presentation and facilitation.  Mayella – Honest, genuine, skilled, responsive.
Paul Croal

Lovely down to earth energy, made us feel very welcome.
Karen Audin

I love the way Mayella’s teaching is so crystal clear and she is always so present and supportive as well as funny. I feel like today’s course has cleared major major stuff for me and I have also learnt so much from Mayella. It couldn’t have been a better learning day than it has been. Thank you so much.
Sofia D

Request Your Free Daily Download

Delivered to Your Inbox – Daily Downloads are beliefs and feelings that are ’empowered’ with Universal Energy such that when you read them and say ‘yes’ you will receive the energy of the new feeling or belief.

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